Card Fraud Detection and Prevention

  • Detect debit card transaction risk related to high-risk merchant category code
  • Leverage entity group type, account # and counterparty age criteria and peer group analysis
  • All transaction monitoring and fraud conditions supports account exemption features
  • Unified card fraud and AML case management
  • AI real time scoring and analytics1
  • Advanced risk profiling1
  • Real time interdiction1

1Available with Xceed360 Advanced Plan

As COVID-19 accelerated digital banking transformation, contactless methods like debit and credit cards, as well as e-wallets, have gained traction. Fraudsters have also accelerated and evolved their methods – especially in debit card fraud. Debit card fraud falls into two major categories: card present, and card-not-present (CNP) fraud. Using a CNP method, fraudsters siphon money from the payment card by using it online or over the phone. CNP can occur in many ways from physical card theft, card skimmers, or ATM breaches.

With Xceed AI and Behavioral Analytics, detect debit card fraud in real time using a combination of online banking activities and advanced risk profiling.

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